Do you have a question about one of our products, are you looking for advice or would you like to know more about our conditions? Then contact us so that we can help you personally. We can be reached through multiple channels and are ready to answer your questions!
For all your questions we can be reached 24/7 by email at [email protected]
You can also use the contact form on the right side of this page.
Telephone & WhatsApp
We can be reached by telephone and on WhatsApp during opening hours on +31620112744.
Would you like to visit our store or collect your order? You are most welcome! Click here to find out current opening hours.
Our address is:
Dorpsstraat 221A
6732AD Harskamp
Gelderland - the Netherlands
Complaints and remarks
We do our very best to help every customer quickly and effectively. If you have a complaint or a suggestion, we kindly ask you to send an email to [email protected] and mention 'complaint' or 'suggestion' in the subject. We take complaints and suggestions very seriously and will respond to them as soon as possible.
If our handling of your complaint or suggestion is not in line with your expectations, we would regret that In that case, we would like to draw your attention to the possibility of submitting complaints as consumers to the Thuiswinkel Disputes Committee ( or the online dispute platform of the European Commission (ODR).
Business and banking details
Bartang vof
Trade registration number: 67735053
VAT number: NL857154308B01
IBAN: NL54RABO0316998478
Social Media
Bartang can also be followed on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. This way, you will always stay up to date with new products, events and offers.
